KOLR10, Ozarksfirst.com-Ozarks의 날씨 전문가. 날씨가 좋든 위협적이든 KOLR10 Weather Lab 전문가의 정보를 통해 여기에서 알아보십시오. KOLR10 날씨 앱은 시간별 및 장거리 예보, 레이더, 날씨 뉴스 및 하루를 계획하는 데 유용한 정보를 제공합니다.
뭐가 새롭나All the same weather reporting you rely on, clearer layout and design.The new look of our weather app brings the important conditions reporting front and center while adding easy navigation on the bottom of the screen to get you quickly to your hourly and 7-day forecasts, and a full-screen interactive radar map.The app now also displays weather warnings on the home screen so you can stay up to speed on important changes.